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Data for α = 1.6 and β = -0.5

Willmore-energy: 6.76711
Finite elemente nodes: 120
Example ID: p4
Status: success
n: 4868
min: (0, 0.075)
max: (-1, 1.6)
Hyperbolic curvature in 0: 2
Hyperbolic curvature in 1: -0.41
time: 2.584
CPUtime: 1e+002
Solutions: 1, 2

We found more than one local minimum. Above you can switch between the different minima. The solution of least energy is labeled as blue.
"Randwertprobleme für Willmoreflächen - Analysis, Numerik und numerische Analysis"
(DFG Gepris Projekt - Förderungsnummer: 81487594)