Phase field models with connectedness constraints Patrick Dondl (Freiburg) Abstract: Phase field models are useful tools for the approximation of geometric variational problems, the classical example being the Modica-Mortola-functional consisting of a gradient penalization and a double-well potential. This functional, with its terms suitably scaled, converges in the sense of Gamma-convergence to the perimeter, implying that the zero level sets of its minimizers approximate minimal surfaces. We consider the problem of including topological constraints in phase field models, in particular the question whether it is possible to constrain the zero level sets or sub/super-level sets to be connected by adding a suitable term to the energy. Our penalty term is based on a diffuse quantitative version of path-connectedness. As a first application, we prove convergence of the approximating penalized Modica-Mortola energies in the sense of Gamma-convergence to a connected perimeter and present numerical results and applications to image segmentation and Ohta-Kawasaki functionals modeling charged droplets. Furthermore, we consider a phase field model for Willmore's energy. The main problem in this case is that, to enforce connectedness of surfaces in the limit, a fairly strong convergence for sequences of bounded diffuse Willmore energy on sets of codimension 2 is required. In two space dimensions, uniform convergence (away from the limiting surface) holds, for the three dimensional case we introduce the notion of morally uniform convergence.